Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wednesday December 4, 2019


Bell Ringer

Review for the Group 3 Chemical Symbols Quiz.  There will be 20 questions, all 10 of Group 3 plus 5 each from Groups 1 and 2.

Today's Activities

Group 3 Chemical Symbols Quiz - the quiz is in Google Classroom.

Binary Ionic Compounds Presentation and Notes - complete the notetaking handout as you view the presentation.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has the lowest wavelength?  The lowest frequency?

Today's Activities

Electromagnetic Radiation Test Review - you may complete the review until you are satisfied with your score.  All questions on the review and test come from the two essential reading handouts from Monday and Tuesday in class.  You may use your essential reading handouts while taking the review and the test.