Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday December 12, 2019


Bell Ringer

Write the name of a compound between calcium and phosphate.
What is the name of this compound, AgNO3?

Write the formula for sodium hydroxide.
Write the formula for aluminum carbonate.

Today's Activities

Thursday - English II - non-testing students will be in class.

Friday - Algebra I - non-testing students will be in class.

All late/makeup work must be turned in before Friday, December 13 at 4:00 pm.

All of the activities below are due at the end of class on Friday, December 13.  All activities are in Google Classroom.
  • Compounds with Polyatomic Ions Presentation and  Notes
  • Practice using the Name-nator website with Polyatomic Ions
  • Open Notes Quiz: Naming and Writing Formulas for Compounds with Polyatomic Ions
  • Compounds with Transition Metals Presentation and Notes
  • Practice using the Name-nator website with Transition Metal Ions
  • Open Notes Quiz: Naming and Writing Formulas for Compounds with Transition Metal Ions
  • Group 4 Chemical Symbols Quiz
There will be a quiz for  Chemical Symbols Group 5 on Friday.  The practice sets are linked to in Google Classroom.

The 2019-2020 Chemistry Fall Semester Exam Review is in McGraw-Hill and is available until your final exam starts.

Click Here for Exam Schedule


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

All late/makeup work must be turned in before Friday, December 13 at 4:00 pm.

Thursday - English II - non-testing students will be in class.

Friday - Algebra I - non-testing students will be in class.

The activities below are due at the end of class on Friday, December 13. 
  • Fossil Fuels Essential Reading - in Google Classroom.
  • Power Plant Fuels Virtual Lab - in Google Classroom.
  • Fossil Fuels Open Note Test - in McGraw-Hill
The 2019-2020 IPC Fall Semester Exam Review is in McGraw-Hill and is available until your final exam starts.

Click Here for Exam Schedule