Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday December 5, 2019


Bell Ringer

What is the name of the compound formed from sodium and sulfur?

What is the formula of the compound formed from magnesium and nitrogen?

Today's Activities

Review of Binary Ionic Compounds Notes

2019-2020 Fort Worth ISD Stakeholders' Climate Survey - complete the survey in class. Take a screenshot of the final thank you page and upload it to the Google Classroom assignment.

Binary Ionic Compounds Practice using the Name-inator interactive website.  Instructions for this assignment are in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

Log into McGraw-Hill to be prepared to take the Electromagnetic Radiation Test. Locate your Reading Essentials handouts to use while taking your test.

Today's Activities

Electromagnetic Radiation Test - the test is in McGraw-Hill.

2019-2020 Fort Worth ISD Stakeholders' Climate Survey - complete the survey in class. Take a screenshot of the final thank you page and upload it to the Google Classroom assignment.