Thursday, December 12, 2019

Friday December 13, 2019


Bell Ringer

Write the name of this compound, FeCl3.
What is the name of this compound, Cu3(PO4)2?

Write the formula for tin(IV) sulfide
Write the formula for iron(II) carbonate.

Today's Activities

Friday - Algebra I - non-testing students will be in class.

All late/makeup work must be turned in before Friday, December 13 at 4:00 pm.

Group 5 Chemical Symbols Quiz in Google Classroom - complete in class today.

Study for the Chemical Symbols Test - this test will include all 50 chemical symbols from our previous quizzes. There is a 50 symbol practice set in Google Classroom.

All of the activities below are due at the end of class on Friday, December 13.  All activities are in Google Classroom.
  • Compounds with Polyatomic Ions Presentation and  Notes
  • Practice using the Name-nator website with Polyatomic Ions
  • Open Notes Quiz: Naming and Writing Formulas for Compounds with Polyatomic Ions
  • Compounds with Transition Metals Presentation and Notes
  • Practice using the Name-nator website with Transition Metal Ions
  • Open Notes Quiz: Naming and Writing Formulas for Compounds with Transition Metal Ions
  • Group 4 Chemical Symbols Quiz
There will be a quiz for  Chemical Symbols Group 5 on Friday.  The practice sets are linked to in Google Classroom.

The 2019-2020 Chemistry Fall Semester Exam Review is in McGraw-Hill and is available until your final exam starts.

Click Here for Exam Schedule


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

All late/makeup work must be turned in before Friday, December 13 at 4:00 pm.

Thursday - English II - non-testing students will be in class.

Friday - Algebra I - non-testing students will be in class.

The activities below are due at the end of class on Friday, December 13. 
  • Fossil Fuels Essential Reading - in Google Classroom.
  • Power Plant Fuels Virtual Lab - in Google Classroom.
  • Fossil Fuels Open Note Test - in McGraw-Hill
The 2019-2020 IPC Fall Semester Exam Review is in McGraw-Hill and is available until your final exam starts.

Click Here for Exam Schedule