Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday April 17, 2020

The grades in Focus reflect your progress in the Edgenuity course as of Thursday morning.  Missing assignments have been counted as zeros!  Your grade will improve if you stay ON TRACK


Students should have completed all of the sections of the Gas Law unit.

Students should have completed the Warm Up for the Charles Law Lab

For Wednesday - Complete the Instruction for the Charles Law Lab

For Thursday- Complete the Charles Law Virtual Lab   Check Google Classroom for a copy of the lab handout.

For Friday- Compete the warmup and the instruction for the Boyle's Law Lab


Students should have completed all of the sections of the Changes of State Lesson and completed the Warm Up in the Changes in Matter Lesson.
Instruction for Changes in Matter 

For Friday - Students should complete the Changes in Matter assignment and the explore activity. The student handout is for the Density Exploration is in Google Classroom.  Read the instructions carefully!