Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Wednesday October 9, 2019


Bell Ringer

Which Law explains how one compound of carbon and oxygen can be 42.9 % carbon and another compound of carbon and oxygen can be 27.3% carbon?

Today's Activities

Percent Mass Tutorial Presentation and Practice Problems - students will use the tutorial example problems to guide them in solving the Practice Problems.  The assignment is in Google Classroom.
The practice problems are in the Ebook in McGraw-Hill.

Matter Test Review - the Review is on the McGraw-Hill ConnectED.  The Matter test is on Friday, October 11.


Bell Ringer

Could this force diagram represent the forces on an object at rest?  Could the object be moving?  If the object is moving is it accelerating?

Today's Activities

Newton's Second Law of Motion Presentation and Practice Problems - view the presentation and complete the notetaking handout.  Use the notetaking handout to assist you in completing the practice problems in the McGraw-Hill textbook.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.  The practice problems are in the Ebook on pg 83.