Thursday, October 17, 2019

Friday October 18, 2019


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Complete the PHeT Build an Atom Lab - turn in the lab in the Chemistry basket on the side counter after completion of the Build an Atom Post Lab Quiz.  You may use your Build an Atom activity handout to assist you with the Post Lab.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.

PHeT Build an Atom Post Lab Quiz - you will only be allowed to complete this assignment on a school-issued Chromebook.  If you leave the quiz or attempt to open any other webpage or app you will be locked out of the quiz.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Describing Energy Presentation and Notes - view the presentation and complete the note-taking handout.  You will have an open-notes quiz on Monday.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.