Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

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Email Mr. Long -

This week we will review The Mole Concept.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Reviewing the Mole Concept.

Avogadro's Number - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Tuesday March 31 at 8:00 am.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.


Email Mr. Long -

This week we will begin our study of Chemical Equations.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Chemical Equations.

Word Equations - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Tuesday March 31 at 8:00 am.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.