Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Complete this form if you have not already done so!

Here is a link for family support resources!

Students/Parents - with the extreme increase in usage of some of our online resources you may experience difficulties accessing some of the lessons.  If you receive a message such as"Due to unsusually heavy traffic some users are experiencing a delay on some pages. We are working on resolving this issue." Please try the resource again at a later time.  If you find that you can not access the information and complete the assignment(s) prior to the due date send me an email stating the issue you are having and I will adjust the due date for you. Please include a screen shot showing any error message you get when attempting to access the resource.


Email Mr. Long - steven.long@fwisd.org

This week we will review The Mole Concept.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Reviewing the Mole Concept.

Conversions Between Moles and Atoms - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Wednesday April 1 at 8:00 am.
Important!! Do not forget to turn in your assignment after completion.  The turn in button is at the top of the page near where the Assign button is on the image below.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now. The invitation link for meetings will be in Google Classroom.  This is to reduce the chance of unauthorized individuals joining our meeting. 

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now. The invitation link for meetings will be in Google Classroom.  This is to reduce the chance of unauthorized individuals joining our meeting. 


Email Mr. Long - steven.long@fwisd.org

This week we will begin our study of Chemical Equations.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Chemical Equations.

Writing Chemical Equations - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Wednesday  April 1 at 8:00 am.
Important!! Do not forget to turn in your assignment after completion.  The turn in button is at the top of the page near where the Assign button is on the image below.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now. The invitation link for meetings will be in Google Classroom.  This is to reduce the chance of unauthorized individuals joining our meeting. 

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now. The invitation link for meetings will be in Google Classroom.  This is to reduce the chance of unauthorized individuals joining our meeting. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

Complete this form if you have not already done so!

Here is a link for family support resources!


Email Mr. Long - steven.long@fwisd.org

This week we will review The Mole Concept.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Reviewing the Mole Concept.

Avogadro's Number - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Tuesday March 31 at 8:00 am.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.


Email Mr. Long - steven.long@fwisd.org

This week we will begin our study of Chemical Equations.  All assignments and activities will be in the Google Classroom Section Chemical Equations.

Word Equations - this is a cK-12 reading and practice assignment.  Please read the directions in Google Classroom carefully to complete this activity. This assignment is due on Tuesday March 31 at 8:00 am.

Invitation to 10:00 am Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.

Invitation to 2:00 pm Zoom Class Meeting - IPC and Chemistry together for now.  I may have separate meetings if participation is large enough.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday March 27, 2020

Here is a link for family support resources!

Digital Learning Assignments Begin on Monday March 30!

If you have questions, email Mr. Long - steven.long@fwisd.org

Things to do to be ready:

Complete this Digital Learning Survey for Mr. Long - sorry, I need this one completed even if you completed an earlier version. 

View this video on joining a Zoom video meeting.  I will conduct two meetings each day, one at 10:00 am, another at 2:00 pm.  This is so students can ask questions about the lessons and assignments for class.

The difference for our class from the video is that I will post the meeting invitation link here on the class blog each day.  To join our class meetings you will simply need to click on the invitation link.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday March 25, 2020

FWISD Announced that School Buildings are closed indefinitely.

Students should should be contacted by phone by their 2nd Period teachers to conduct an Access to Technology from Home Survey.  If you have not been contacted please go to this link below and complete the survey with your parents.

Visit the blog posts from Friday March 20, Monday March 23, and Tuesday March 24 for information and tasks related to Learning from Home.

Email Mr. Long at steven.long@fwisd.org.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Mr. Long's IPC and Chemistry

Good Morning,

I just received a message from Ms. Rincon stating that the school buildings will be closed indefinitely.  Here is a link to the latest information on the FWISD CoVid-19 webpage.

I am gradually getting responses from students as they become able to reset their passwords and access some of the tools I will use to provide online "Learn from Home" lessons.  If you can access Google Classroom I would suggest that you look at the assignments from the last two weeks before spring break to review the concepts recently covered so that when we start with assignments you will be up to speed.  I plan on using cK-12 to provide high school level instruction and assessment for our classes.

If you are in Chemistry visit this link and review the concepts on The Mole in Unit 10 on cK-12.

If you are in IPC visit this link and review the concepts on Ionic and Metallic Bonding in Unit 8 on cK-12 and Covalent Bonding in Unit 9 on cK-12.

Instructions for resetting student password.

Instructions for accessing My Apps.

Please visit the posts from Monday 3/23 and Friday 3/20 and complete the tasks listed as soon as possible.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday March 23, 2020

If you are able to login to the network, see if you can log into McGraw-Hill.  Locate the new assignment titled, Learning at Home, in the Homework section.  Complete the one question assignment.

You will need to follow the instructions at this link to access your My Apps page

Be sure to scroll down on the web page to see the information!

You may have to follow the directions in the section of this pdf titled App Library to locate and add McGraw-Hill to your My Apps Launch Pad.

When you have either completed the Learning at Home assignment in McGraw-Hill or you have attempted to access McGraw-Hill unsuccessfully, go to this link and complete the Google Form.

Monday March 23, 2020

Good Afternoon,

Teachers were allowed into the school this morning to retrieve materials to prepare for "Learning at Home".  Plans are being made for what class will look like if the closure continues beyond April 3.  Check here and the FWISD website for current information.  If you have not done so, visit the March 20 post and follow the instructions there for resetting your password and accessing Google Classroom to complete a Digital Learning form.

I hope you are all safe and well,

Mr. Long

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday March 20, 2020

Hello to All!

Here is some information that the district would like forwarded to all students.  I am linking to instructions for resetting your password on your Chromebook, and directions for retrieving your Chromebook from school if you left it there

You will need your Chromebook or a device to access planned digital learning.  The district is working on plans for continuing your education and will be releasing this information through your email.  I will post updates on this blog as I receive them.

Reset your Password - click the link for instructions.

Retrieving your Chromebook
Students who need to get their Chromebook from campus will be allowed to sign up for a pick up time Monday afternoon between 1-4 p.m.. They need to contact Mary Jian at mary.markos-jian@fwisd.org, through twitter @2eni0rcounselor, or her cell phone 682-557-0857. (HUGE SHOUT out to Jian who generously offered to allow families to reach out via her personal cell so we can serve our community) 

Please go to the Digital Learning Material in Google Classroom.