Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Wednesday February 26, 2020


Bell Ringer

Propane (C3H8) burns in pure oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor.  Write the balanced chemical equation.

Today's Activities

Students will complete cK-12 activities linked to in Google Classroom.
  • cK-12 Word Equations
  • cK-12 Writing Chemical Equations
  • cK-12 Balancing Equations
These assignments are to be completed by the end of class today, Wednesday, February 26.


Bell Ringer

Write the correct formula for   iron(III) chloride                  copper(II) carbonate

Name the following compounds      CrO2           Sn3(PO4)2

Today's Activities

  • cK-12 Transition Metal Ions
  • cK-12 The Stock System Nomenclature
These assignments are due at the end of class today, Wednesday, February 26.