Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday January 15, 2020


Bell Ringer

Name the following compounds

H2Te     NO2      HCN           XeF4

Write the formula for the following compounds

nitrous acid             hydroselenic acid      citric acid             carbon tetrachloride

Today's Activity

Covalent Bonding and Nomenclature Test Review - the review is in McGraw-Hill.  Students may complete the review until they have a score that they are satisfied with. The test is Thursday, January 16, 2020.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Classification of Matter Open Notes Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Matter Test Review - he review is in McGraw-Hill.  Students may complete the review until they have a score that they are satisfied with.  The test is Friday, January 17, 2020.