Thursday, November 14, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019


Bell Ringer

How is an ion different from an atom of the same element?

Today's Activities

Complete ChemThink Ions Tutorial and Problems

Introduction to Chemical Symbols - there will be a quiz over the 1st ten chemical symbols on Monday, November 18. The list of Chemical symbols is in Google Classroom.

Quizlet - 1st group study set - the link is in Google Classroom

Practice naming elements from their symbols and writing the symbols from the names of the elements.  There will be a quiz over the 1st 10 elements on Monday, November 18.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

PHet Simulator Bending Ligh - complete the simulation by following the directions on the handout and then complete the short Bending Light Quiz in Google Classroom.