Thursday, November 21, 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Image result for happy thanksgiving 2019

Today is a Makeup/ Catch Up Day!

Friday, November 22 is the final day of the 3 weeks progress report grading period.  All assignments turned in and put on the Class Blog today will be graded and entered into the grade book before progress reports.

2nd Period IPC

You must complete the Electromagnetic Radiation Open Notes Quiz from Thursday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019


Bell Ringer

Review for Chemical Symbols Group 2 Quiz.  All of the group 2 and 5 of group 1 elements are on the Quiz.

Today's Activities

Chemical Symbols Group 2 Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

ChemThink Ionic Bonding Notes and Problems - the link to this assignment and the notetaking handout is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Complete What is Electromagnetic Radiation Presentation and Notes.- this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Electromagnetic Radiation Open Notes Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Wednesday November 20, 2019


Bell Ringer

Go to Google Classroom and visit the Chemical Symbols Study Set 2. Click on Test in the left column. Click on the options sliders. Select all four question types (written, matching, multiple-choice, and true/false.  Then click on Create new test.  After taking the test click on Check answers.  Take a screenshot showing your results and upload the screenshot to Google Classroom.

Today's Activities

POGIL Chemical Bonding Open Notes Quiz - this quiz is in Google Classroom.

Ionic Bonding Presentation and Notes - this assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

Review your POGIL Light handout to make sure it is complete.

Today's Activities

POGIL Light Open Notes Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

What is Electromagnetic Radiation Presentation and Notes - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019


Bell Ringer

Go to Google Classroom and use the Quizlet to study the 1st section of Chemical Symbols for the Chemical Symbols Quiz

Today's Activities

Chemical Symbols Quiz 1 - in Google Classroom.  You may only take this on a district-issued Chromebook. If you do not have yours you must come to tutorials this afternoon or tomorrow morning to make up the quiz.

Complete the POGIL Chemical Bonding activity and be prepared for a quiz over it on Wednesday.

Study for Chemical Symbols Quiz 2 - a Quizlet Study set is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Complete the POGIL Light assignment from Monday. There will be a quiz over this assignment on Wednesday Morning.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019


Bell Ringer

How is an ion different from an atom of the same element?

Today's Activities

Complete ChemThink Ions Tutorial and Problems

Introduction to Chemical Symbols - there will be a quiz over the 1st ten chemical symbols on Monday, November 18. The list of Chemical symbols is in Google Classroom.

Quizlet - 1st group study set - the link is in Google Classroom

Practice naming elements from their symbols and writing the symbols from the names of the elements.  There will be a quiz over the 1st 10 elements on Monday, November 18.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

PHet Simulator Bending Ligh - complete the simulation by following the directions on the handout and then complete the short Bending Light Quiz in Google Classroom.

Thursday November 14, 2019


Bell Ringer

Create an account at the ChemThink Website. If you have not done so already.

Class Codes for Each Period
1st - 70186998
3rd - 36697914
4th - 29729991
8th - 39603965

Today's Activities

Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Test  - the test is in McGraw-Hill

ChemThink Ions - the link to the ChemThink Website is here.  You must log in for me to see your grade and your completed tutorial.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Waves Test  - the test in McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wednesday November 13, 2019


Bell Ringer

Create an account at the ChemThink Website.

Class Codes for Each Period
1st - 70186998
3rd - 36697914
4th - 29729991
8th - 39603965

Today's Activities

Periodic Trends Review - complete the review and you may use it on the Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Test on Thursday, November 14. This assignment is in Google Classroom.

Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Test Review - the test is Thursday, November 14. The review is in McGraw-Hill.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Waves Test Review - the review is in McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday November 12, 2019


Bell Ringer

Explain how adding a proton going across a period affect periodic trends.  Explain how adding an energy level of electrons going down a group affects periodic trends.

Today's Activities

Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Review - in McGraw-Hill


No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Complete Behaviors of Waves Notes

Behavior of Waves Open Notes Quiz in Google Classroom

Friday, November 8, 2019

Monday November 11, 2019


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

POGIL Periodic Trends - use your knowledge of Coulombic Attraction to complete the activity on periodic trends.  You will need to answer the questions on the electronic copy of the activity in Google Classroom. 


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Behavior of Waves Presentation and Notes - this assignment is in Google Classroom.  You will need to complete the electronic copy of the note-taking handout in Google Classroom.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Friday November 8, 2019


Bell Ringer

Use the data provided in Model 4 to answer the questions in the Google Quiz. This is in Google Classroom.

Today's Activities

Complete the Periodic Trends Presentation and Notes from Thursday in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Calculations Using the Wave Speed Formula - The problems and the solutions to these problems are in Google Classroom. You must work each problem on your own sheet of notebook paper.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Thursday November 7, 2019


Bell Ringer

Quick Quiz over Model 1 and 2 Coulombic Attraction - in Google Classroom.

Today's Activities

Complete Model 3 and 4 of the POGIL Coulombic Attraction Activity

Periodic Trends Presentation and Notes - this assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

How did increasing the frequency of a wave change the water waves? The sound waves? The light waves?

Today's Activities

Exploring Waves - Use the Physics Classroom Web wave simulator to complete the handout.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.  Complete the assessment quiz in Google Classroom.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Wednesday November 6, 2019


Bell Ringer

Complete the following sentence: Like charges ______________, and opposite charges attract.

Today's Activities

Periodic Table Open Notes Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

POGIL Coulombic Attraction activity - this is a pencil and paper activity.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Complete the PHeT Waves Introduction Simulation in Google Classroom.

Complete the Waves and Properties of Waves Presentation and Notes from Monday.

Tuesday November 5, 2019


What is a group on the periodic table, what is a period?

Today's Activities

Color Coding the Periodic Table - follow the directions on the handout to label and color-code your periodic table.  You will use your color-coded table and your Periodic Table Notes on an open-notes quiz on Wednesday.


Bell Ringer

Locate your Waves and Waves Properties note-taking handout to use on the Open Notes Quiz.

Please do NOT start the quiz until you have received complete instructions from the teacher.

Today's Activities

Waves Open Notes Quiz -  this assignment is in Google Classroom.

PHet Waves Intro Simulation Activity -this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday November 4, 2019


Bell Ringer

What information can you get from looking at a periodic table?
Image result for periodic table

Today's Activities

Periodic Table Presentation and Notes - complete the notetaking handout in Google Classroom while viewing the presentation.


Bell Ringer

Describe a wave.

Today's Activities

Waves and Waves Properties Presentation and Notes - complete the notetaking handout in Google Classroom while viewing the presentation.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday November 1, 2019


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Makeup Day. - you may make up any assignment in class today.  This is for in-class only, no work will be accepted not completed in class.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Makeup Day. - you may make up any assignment in class today.  This is for in-class only, no work will be accepted not completed in class.