Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday August 26, 2019

You should have turned in the following: 

Student Information Sheet and Interest Inventory
Syllabus Acknowledgment Form 
Classroom Respect Agreement

Bell Ringer

Locate the Lab Safety Contract in the Reference Section of Google Classroom.  Read the Lab Safety Contract.

Today's Activities

Lab Safety Contract and Test - students will use the Flinn Safety Contract to answer the questions on the Lab Safety Test.  Skip Question 21 on Test! Students must correct any missed questions by writing the question missed, the correct answer and write the correct lab safety rule that applies to the question on a separate sheet of notebook paper.

Lab Safety Video - students watch the lab safety video and make a list of all lab safety violations on a sheet of notebook paper.  They refer to the lab safety contract and find the lab rule that applies to each violation.