Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday August 30, 2019

Bell Ringer

Calculators and many computer programs use a shorthand method to represent scientific notation.  Look at the examples below to see how to put scientific notation in the answer space in a Google form.  Go to Google Classroom to do the Scientific Notation Conversions Bell Ringer on a Google Form.

Today's Activities

It's Practice with Scientific Notation group activity - students are grouped to work on one of 4 types of scientific notation conversions.  Students are regrouped with an "expert" on each type of problem.  Experts explain their problems to the other members of the group.  All students complete the Practice with Scientific Notation Problems in Google Classroom on a piece of notebook paper.  Students will take a short open note quiz on Tuesday over these problems.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday August 29, 2019

Bell Ringer

On a sheet of scratch paper complete the following calculations. The large numbers are exponents! No Calculators Please!!!

33000  x  (2 x 104)

(1.4 x 1011) / 7,000,000

Today's Activities

Scientific Notation PowerPoint and Notes - Use Cornell Note Taking Example Notes to take notes while viewing the PowerPoint in Google Classroom.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wednesday August 28, 2019

Bell Ringer

On the Class Blog locate the Class Forms Tab.  Click here to access a quiz about today's bellringerThis Bell Ringer will count as a Daily Grade!

Today's Activities

Class Procedures for tardy, leaving class, turning in late work or makeup work, and attending tutorials.

Lab Safety Rap Video

Complete any missing assignments from last week or Monday and Tuesday.

Student Info and Interest
Class Syllabus Acknowledgment
Class Respect Agreement
Lab Safety Test and Corrections if necessary.
Ultimate Lab Safety Video activity

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tuesday August 27, 2019

Bell Ringer

Locate question 24 on the Lab Safety Test.  Find the rule that applies to question 24 on the Student Safety Contract.  Read the rule and discuss it with your table partner. Discuss why unused chemicals are not put back in their original containers.  Think about a salad bar, would you return unused lettuce?

Today's Activities

Lab Safety Video - students watch the lab safety video and make a list of all lab safety violations on a sheet of notebook paper.  They refer to the lab safety contract and find the lab rule that applies to each violation.

Tour of classroom Lab Safety Equipment

Monday August 26, 2019

You should have turned in the following: 

Student Information Sheet and Interest Inventory
Syllabus Acknowledgment Form 
Classroom Respect Agreement

Bell Ringer

Locate the Lab Safety Contract in the Reference Section of Google Classroom.  Read the Lab Safety Contract.

Today's Activities

Lab Safety Contract and Test - students will use the Flinn Safety Contract to answer the questions on the Lab Safety Test.  Skip Question 21 on Test! Students must correct any missed questions by writing the question missed, the correct answer and write the correct lab safety rule that applies to the question on a separate sheet of notebook paper.

Lab Safety Video - students watch the lab safety video and make a list of all lab safety violations on a sheet of notebook paper.  They refer to the lab safety contract and find the lab rule that applies to each violation.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday August 23, 2019

Bell Ringer

Review your Student Respect Agreement.  Make sure you have 3 things in the Teacher Respecting Students and Everyone Respecting the Classroom.  If you are new to the class, get a blank sheet of paper from the front desk and make a Classroom Respect Agreement page.  ASK a classmate.

Today's Activities

Complete Classroom Respect Agreement

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Thursday August 22,2019

Bell Ringer

Locate the class syllabus in Google Classroom.  It is in the Reference Section.

Today's Activities

Class Syllabus - before returning to class read the class syllabus located in Google Classroom in the Reference section. Share the syllabus with at least one parent or guardian and complete the Syllabus Acknowledgment form in the 1st Five Days section of Google Classroom.

Complete the Classroom Respect Agreement - students complete the sections Students Respecting Teachers, Teachers Respecting Students, and Everyone Respecting the Building.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Wednesday August 21,2019

Bell Ringer

Open and log in to your Chromebook.  

Today's Activities

Turn in the Student Information and Student Interest Survey if not already turned in.

Bookmark Mr. Long's Class Blog - visit add this site to your Bookmarks Bar.

Set up Google Classroom.  Visit Add this to your Bookmarks Bar.

Enter the class code you receive from your teacher.

Complete the Chromebook Quiz in Google Classroom.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tuesday August 20, 2019

Bell Ringer

Review the Student Information Sheet and the Student Interest Survey for completeness and accuracy.  Click the link to print a document if you need one.

Today's Activities

Class procedure for turning in written assignments.

Classroom Respect Agreement - students develope a set of class norms for behavior towards and interaction with other students, teachers, and the physical school and equipment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Monday August 19, 2019

Steve Long

Room 139
Chemistry and IPC

Today's Activities

Take attendance

Student Information Sheet and Student Interest Survey

Cup Stack Activity
