Friday, September 27, 2019

Monday September 30, 2019


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

  1. Matter Section 1 Properties of Matter Presentation and Notes - this assignment is in Google Classroom.
  2. PHeT States of Matter Basics Simulation - this assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Assignments

  1. Motion Section 2 Acceleration Presentation and Notes - This assignment is in Google Classroom.
  2. Using the Acceleration Formula worksheet - show all work as in the presentation.  Round your answers to the correct significant figures. This assignment is in Google Classroom.

Friday September 27, 2019

All Classes

Today is a makeup/ catch up day.  Any assignment that can be done online is open for makeup.  If you makeup an assignment you must complete the Late Work/Makeup Work form in the Class forms tab of this blog.

Assignments must be made up in class.  The deadline is the end or your class period.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Sign in on your Chromebook and go to immediately upon entering the classroom!


No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Factor Label, Accuracy, and Precision Test - the test is in McGraw-Hill ConnectED.


No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Describing Motion Test - the test is in McGraw-Hill ConnectED.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wednesday September 25, 2019

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. If you have turned in late/makeup you must also fill out the late work/makeup work form located in the Class Forms tab of this blog!


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Percent Error, Accuracy, and Precision Test Review - the test is in the McGraw-Hill ConnectED portal located at The test is Thursday, September 26, 2019. Students make attempt the review as many times as they would like to achieve the grade they want!  The review is set to all students to check their answers on objective questions 1 time before submitting.

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. If you have turned in late/makeup you must also fill out the late work/makeup work form located in the Class Forms tab of this blog!


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Describing Motion  Test Review - the test is in the McGraw-Hill ConnectED portal located at The test is Thursday, September 26, 2019. Students make attempt the review as many times as they would like to achieve the grade they want!  The review is set to all students to check their answers on objective questions 1 time before submitting.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.


Bell Ringer

McGraw-Hill E-textbook sign up.  Follow the following steps.

1. Log in to
2. Click on the red McGraw-Hill Icon
3. Locate the Join a Class button on the top right of your screen.
4. Click on this link and enter the class code for your period from this table.

Today's Activities

Factor Label Open Notes Quiz-this quiz is in Google Classroom.

Percent Error, Accuracy, and Precision Review - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Reminder: Factor Label, Percent Error, Accuracy, and Precision Test on Thursday!

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Bell Ringer

McGraw-Hill E-textbook sign up.  Follow the following steps.

1. Log in to
2. Click on the red McGraw-Hill Icon
3.Locate the Join a Class button on the top right of your screen.
4. Click on this link and enter the class code for your period from this table.

Today's Activities

Class Notes Describing Motion Quiz - this quiz is in Google Classroom.

Describing Motion Test Review - complete the review using the class notes and practice problems from the Motion Unit.

Monday September 23, 2019

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.


Bell Ringer

How many milligrams are in 2.249 kilograms?  Show your work using the factor label method.

Today's Activities

Factor Label Method Practice Review - students practice conversions using the factor label method for the test to be given on Wednesday, September 27.

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer

Today's Activities

Describing Motion Presentation and Notes - this presentation is in Google Classroom.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday September 20, 2019

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.


Bell Ringer

Calculate the percent error for an experiment that produced 2.89 grams of product.  The accepted value for the results is 3.01 grams.

Today's Activities

Open Note Accuracy, Precision, and Percent Error Quiz - the quiz is in Google Classroom.

Percent Error Lab - students use estimated and actual data to calculate percent error.

All late, make-up, and/or retake work must be turned in no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Bell Ringer

A woman walked 2.5 km north, 2.5 km west, 2.5 km south, and then 2.5 km east.  What is the women's total distance?  What is her displacement?

Today's Activities

Motion and Displacement Open Notes Quiz - this assignment is in Google Classroom.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday September 19, 2019


Bell Ringer

A student wants to purchase pizza for their soccer team.  She wants each team member to have 3 slices each.  A pizza has 8 slices.  There are 17 players on the team.  How many pizzas does she need to order for the team?

Today's Activities

Accuracy, Precision, and Error Notes and Practice Problems - students complete a set of practice problems after viewing a presentation and taking notes.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

No Bell Ringer today

Today's Activities

Distance and Displacement Lab - students will complete the Distance and Displacement Lab using graph paper to simulate walking and measuring outside.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019


Bell Ringer

Use dimensional analysis to answer the question below.

1 inch = 2.54 cm     1 meter = 100 cm

How many yards is equivalent to 8.89 meters?  

Today's Activites

Complete the Dimensional Analysis Card activity.  Turn in your handout in the Chemistry basket.  Be sure to include a complete heading on your handout.

Khan Academy: Multiple Unit Word Problems - use your Dimensional Analysis notes to complete the interactive problems.  The assignment is in Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer

Read the lab.

Today's Activities

Distance and Displacement Lab

Tuesday September 17, 2019


Bell Ringer

Make sure you have worked example problem 3 from yesterday.

How many miles can you drive if you buy $20.00 of gasoline at $3.35 per gallon and your car gets 24 miles per gallon?

Today's Activities

Dimensional Analysis Cards Activity - students use cards to form conversion factors and solve conversion problems.


Bell Ringer

Review your Chapter 2 Section 1 Essential Reading to prepare for an open notes quiz.

Today's Activities

Chapter 2 Motion Section 1 Describing Motion Reading Essentials Open Notes Quiz.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday September 16, 2019


Bell Ringer

On a piece of paper, calculate the number of seconds old you were on your last birthday.  Show all work. 

Today's Activities

Factor Label Method Notes and Example Problems in Google Classroom


Bell Ringer

How would you know if someone entered your bedroom and had moved something on your dresser or nightstand?  

Today's Activities

Students will read and complete the Chapter 2 Motion Reading Essentials Describing Motion.  Students should be prepared for a short open note quiz on Tuesday over the reading and review. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Friday September 13, 2019

Bell Ringer

Review class notes for test

Today's Activities

Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Test - this test is in Google Classroom.

Students who complete the test early should check Focus for missing assignments.  If you complete any missing assignments you MUST complete the Late Work / Make-Up work form in the class forms tab at the top of this blog.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thursday September 12, 2019

Bell Ringer

Complete the Test Review Bell Ringer.  Remember the Short-hand for scientific notation when using Google Forms. This is in Google Classroom.

Today's Activities

Students will complete two review activities prior to returning to class on Friday. Students will keep the review papers in their Science binder for future study.

Online Review 
Use your class notes on Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, and Significant Figures in Calculations to complete the Test Review Practice located in Google Classroom.  T
REMEMBER the shorthand for Google Classroom

Paper Review
Students will complete the handouts using their class notes. The solutions to the handout problems can be found in Google Classroom.

Scientific Notation Test Review

Significant Figures Test Review

Students will take a test over these problems on Friday, September 13, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wednesday September 11, 2019

Students who did not complete the Quizizz assigned on Monday, Sept 9 or who would like to retake this assignment may complete the make-up assignment in Google Classroom.  You must fill out the late work/makeup work form!

Bell Ringer

Image result for reading a ruler using significant figures

Explain why the two measurements of the same distance are both correctly reported.

2nd Period Only

Today's Activities

Complete the Significant Figures and Measurement Lab

Complete any missing assignments.

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Bell Ringer

Locate your Significant Figures and Significant Figures in Calculations Notes.
Read the Lab introduction and procedure.

Today's Activities

Significant Figures in Measurement Lab

Directions for Step 2

Friday, September 6, 2019

Monday September 9, 2019

Bell Ringer

Locate your class notes for Scientific NotationSignificant Figures and Significant Figures in Calculations.

Today's Activities

Scientific Notation and Significant Figures Practice Quizziz in Google Classroom - use your class notes to assist you in completing the Quizziz.

View the Dimensional Analysis Powerpoint.  Take notes as you view the PowerPoint.  The last slide has practice problems for you to work on your paper.  This is in Google Classroom.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Friday September 6, 2019

Bell Ringer

Complete the calculation below and round the answer according to the rules in Thursday's notes.

3.42 cm + 8.13 cm                      13.80 cm - 6.0741 cm

1.2 cm x 1.3 cm                            32.88 m2 / 4.388 m

Today's Activities

Use your class notes on Significant Figures and Significant Figures in Calculations to complete the following activities in Google Classroom.

  • Khan Academy: Significant Figures
  • Science Geek Significant Figures Practice Activity

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Thursday September 5, 2019

Bell Ringer

Use your class notes to determine the number of significant figures in each quantity.

100 grams             0.011 grams           0.0020 grams        2080 grams      1 dozen cookies

Today's Activities

Use your class notes from Wednesday to complete the Quizziz in Google Classroom.

Calculations with Significant Figures Presentation and Notes -view the presentation and complete the note-taking handout.

Use your class notes to complete Sections 2-4 on the Significant Figures Worksheet Practice in Google Classroom.

Wednesday September 4, 2019

Bell Ringer

Using your hand, measure the length and width of your Chromebook.  Compare your measurement with your shoulder partner.  Discuss how accurate you believe your measurements are. What would make it easier to be more accurate? 

Today's Activities

Significant Figures Notes and Presentation - locate the Significant Figures Presentation in Google Classroom and complete the guided note-taking outline.

Complete the Significant Figures Worksheet Part 1 located in Google Classroom.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuesday September 3, 2019

Bell Ringer

Complete the 2nd Sci Note Bell Ringer in Google Classroom to prepare for the open note quiz.

Remember to replace the (x10) with a lower case (e) in your scientific notation in the computer.

Today's Activities

Complete the Scientific Notation Expert group activity form Friday.

Scientific Notation Quiz - students may use their scientific notation notes and practice problems from last week.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.

2nd Period Only

Student Planners and Counseling Needs Survey

8th Period Only

Complete the Scientific Notation Notes and Practice Problems in Google Classroom.  Complete the Scientific Notation Bell Ringers, Complete the Scientific Notation Quiz.  All are late on Thursday when you arrive in class.